Assistance with daily life
Every person living with disability has different needs and requires different supports/services. Assistance with Daily Life is a budget under the Core supports category. It covers support with everyday personal activities that assist you to live as independently as possible at home and in the community.
The team at ANOTHEN Community Care can assist all ages with daily life.
Core – Assistance with Daily Life
Assistance with Daily Life assists you to complete necessary tasks and activities in your everyday life. It is a personalised area of support and can be provided in your own home. This category sits in the Core Supports budget.
We provide tailored supports designed to meet your needs!
Our team can support you with the following areas:
Help getting ready in the morning (self-care, like showering and dressing)
Help with household chores you are unable to do, like cleaning or laundry.
Basic help with yard work such as lawn mowing, gardening.
Overnight support work or assistance from a live-in carer.
Appointment assistance and transportation.
High-intensity self-care activities (such as complex grooming tasks or managing medications).
These support items provide you with assistance with, or supervision of, personal tasks of daily life to develop your skills to live as autonomously as possible.
These support items can be delivered to individuals or to a group of people.
The team at ANOTHEN Community Care believes that each person’s needs are different, and we work with you to develop a support plan which meets your needs and goals.
When you choose ANOTHEN we will:
Provide you with a team of experienced staff who listen to you and how you want your supports to be provided.
We build relationships with you and your support network to see you reach your goals.
You have a say in who supports you, you get to choose your support worker.
Your team leader is dedicated to ensuring you get quality, supports the ay to want them.
We understand the importance of getting your supports right
As well as direct service provision, this support can be:
Non-Face-to-Face Support Provision
Provider Travel
Cancellation period
Short Notice Cancellation – 7 days
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